Wednesday 4 July 2012

Bottled Blues...

Fathers Ferment

The day you were born I saw an old man being picked up to his feet
Regrettably I regret to say I saw everything from the sore state of his side
I saw everything from the sore state of his side to all his stains on his sheets
He flared his nostrils as they helped him up to his seat
He must have wanted to recline his mind
As he must have had one of the worst feelings inside
The worst feeling for a man is when he swallows his pride
The God forsaken smell he must have smelt
He must have smelt as everybody knew that he dealt
The God forsaken smell gave a whiff you wouldn’t begin to believe
The stains were his shame and they were in full view for all eyes to see
I began to imagine his pain as he watched a wasp whisk away
He watched a wasp whisk away straight through the window pane
I bet he wished he could have whisked too so he could interact with the insect
I watched as he watched a withered spider
He watched the withered spider as they washed it away
They washed it away with its severed head and all its severed legs
It was heartbreaking to watch him to say goodbye
To watch him say goodbye to what it seemed to be a lifelong friend
My eyes were transfixed but I wasn’t intentionally investing interest
Strangely I found him interesting as I inspected him introspectively
The funny thing is felt like all eyes were on me
I have a funny feeling he wishfully waited for our eyes to meet
I could have sworn I saw his smile surrender as his eyes greeted me
It’s as if the old shaman’s senses saw something
It’s as if the old shaman saw what was going to savagely separate our family
Why didn’t he speak?
That’s the question that has always stuck with me
My senses told me to familiarize myself with the facilities familiar faces
As it turns out the facilities familiar faces are faced with the responsibility
The responsibility of fundamentally the fables fatal fatality
The fables fatal fatality occurred after me and your mother smiled simultaneously
Me and your mother smiled simultaneously as you screamed in search for speech
You screamed in search for speech
I knew it wasn’t long before you would be able to speak
I wanted you to speak in hope you could grow up to be man of your word just like me
I wanted you to grow up to be a man of your word so you could one day challenge me  
I knew it wasn’t long before you would be up and running on your feet
I wished you could run so you could run with me casually away from the pain of the casualty  
You couldn’t
So I ran alone which led me clinging to a bottle at the side of the road
As I clung to a bottle at the side of the road the hooch in my heart began to take hold
The hooch in my heart began to take hold
The hooch has a firm grip it will never let go
It will never let go of me but I’ll never let go of you
Hush little baby take a sip of your fathers fermented brew
As you sip let your heart ferment so your mothers a forgotten memory to you

Baby's Brew

I knew from the moment he stepped in he saw things others couldn't see
I could tell by the weary way he looked up at me
As he looked up it was as if he wanted to rearrange my face mentally
As he looked up it was as if he began to rearrange my face with the use of his mental capacity
He looked up at me to bring disorder to the order in order to disrupt the binaries
With disdain on his face he began to deconstruct my face
He began to deconstruct my face taking away my mouth and wanting to put another eye in its place
I felt empathy for him as I empathised my speech
It’s as if he wanted my eyes to hold all the emphasis
It’s as if he wanted to move my hands over my mouth so I couldn’t speak
It’s as if he wanted to rearrange my words in my sentences alphabetically
It’s as if he wanted to teach me the basic basis of using a well based vocabulary
I could tell from his frown with my constant used of consonants
It’s as if he wanted me to reconsider the use of my vowels
It’s as if he wanted me not to be afraid to be adventurous to add to my assortment of nouns
It’s as if he wanted my mouth to slur something scintillating
Slur something scintillating and for my lips to do something else
It’s as if he attempted to rework my rhythm of speech
Attempted to rework my rhythm of speech using sympathy to synthesize a symphony of thought
Using sympathy to synthesize a symphony of thought to string together letters
To string together letters in order to create a melody from my mouth
At times it looked like he wanted to refigure my anatomies architecture architecturally
Refigure my anatomies architecture architecturally with the use of adjectives
With the use of adjectives to inscribe and describe through the use of his eyes
Through the use of his eyes he seemed to want to rip out my oesophagus
He seemed to want to rip out my oesophagus over my misuse of my adverbs
But somehow I felt his pain when he realised he’s not always a man of his word...

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