I had arrived
I had arrived
I had arrived
back in class
I had arrived
back in class with a new task
I had arrived
back in class with a new task and new smarts
I had arrived
back in class with a new task and new smarts and my thoughts
My thoughts
My thoughts
had crawled through the dirt
My thoughts
had crawled through the dirt and had been revived
My thoughts
had crawled through the dirt and had been revived inside
My thoughts
had crawled through the dirt and had been revived inside this mind
My thoughts
had crawled through the dirt and had been revived inside this mind of mine
This mind of
This mind of
mine had once given me sight
This mind of
mine had once given me sight to realize
This mind of
mine had once given me sight to realize I could reach new heights
This mind of
mine had once given me sight to realize I could reach new heights and fly
This mind of
mine had once given me sight to realize I could reach new heights and fly until
my thoughts fell from the skies
My thoughts
fell from the skies
My thoughts
fell from the skies of this mind
My thoughts
fell from the skies of this mind of mine
My thoughts
fell from the skies of this mind of mine with the pride
My thoughts
fell from the skies of this mind of mine with the pride of life
My thoughts
fell from the skies of this mind of mine with the pride of life blaming my mind
Blaming my
Blaming my
mind my thoughts
Blaming my
mind my thoughts became enflamed
Blaming my
mind my thoughts became enflamed with rage
Blaming my mind
my thoughts became enflamed with rage as they travelled through the flames
Blaming my
mind my thoughts became enflamed with rage as they travelled through the flames
Through the
flames caged
Through the
flames caged in a cage
Through the
flames caged in a cage enraged
Through the
flames caged in a cage enraged chained
Through the
flames caged in a cage enraged chained in chains
Through the
flames caged in a cage enraged chained in chains until they realised what they
were gave
We realised
what we were gave
We realised
what we were gave were real eyes
We realised
what we were gave were real eyes and a real lease of life
We realised
what we were gave were real eyes and a real lease of life in order to realise
We realised
what we were gave were real eyes and real life lease of life in order to
realise what lies
We realised
what we were gave were real eyes and real life lease of life in order to
realise what lies in the boy’s great mind