Then smiled to himself, as he held me, infront of
the awaiting crowd?
held me, infront of the awaiting crowd and yelled welcome to Hell?
Hell, with the
Smugglers, Murderers, Molesters and the words Self-Proclaimed Hustlers
words Self-Proclaimed Hustlers, was obviously and indefinably self proclaimed
Well ain't that a shame
thought to myself if only he knew, I've thought to myself maybe he was new
Maybe he
was new in the game, maybe he was new in the game to make a name
Maybe he
was new in game, to make a name, do you know what I’m saying?
You must
know what I’m saying?
Well if that was
seriously true, I can't stay mad at him or you
can't stay mad at him or you, as i've thought to myself he’s just a cog, in
the system
So hey,
just between me and you
So hey,
just between me and you, I don’t think he’s actually to blame,
I've thought in time he will understand, I've
thought with a little more time maybe in time he will overstand
thought with a more time maybe in time he will overstand, what it is to be wog,
in the system
You know
I felt his hands on my back applying the pressure
While he
spoke, an fully excercised his strenuous supply of shit jokes,
In front
of the awaiting eyes, In front of the awaiting lives
sarcasm and hand gestures at his leisure
leisure as he inverted his own jokes with his own supply of inverted commas
You know
I smiled
You know
I smiled as he smiled
You know he added, yeah we also got couple of armed robbers
You know
I gave a shake of the head, I took a breath, put everything in retrospect
everything in retrospect, then thought what the heck
You know
then, I smiled and said, in my best English accent
Said in
my best English accent, why how pleasant
You know
his eyes cried for respect, he took a breath, then grimaced, making his face
look like death,
You know
then, he smiled and said
And said,
in his best English accent, I am a King
And said,
I am King among you fucking peasants
you, yes it is you
And you
were the one
And you
were the one whom said Son you look like one
You look
like one
You look
like one who sticks to his guns
But if
only you would talk to us were offering you a free shot
A free shot
at some nickels maybe, gold maybe
And if you’re
lucky will throw in a couple of crooked coppers
You sat
me down in my seat, told to me speak, but I honestly felt weak
I tried
to confide in you, as you tried to confide in me
But after a while,
After a
while, you know I smiled, then honestly thought for a while
Thought for while, then said fuck you, and fuck him,
Then you
looked at me
So I
looked at you, you had my attention in full view
So I said fuck yourselves and added
added one of you is a fucker and the other
And the
other an asshole,
basically, figuratively, speaking means
Means, I know one of you for the other spreads
your cheeks,
I looked
at you, you looked at me
apologised through my eyes about the use of my lets say quite volatile
believe, to you, I tried make countless apologies
You know
then the fucker slapped the shit out me, slapped me out my seat, made me feel
and figuratively, he
flipped the tables right up and on to me
So why
didn’t you speak?
So why
didn’t you speak publicly?
didn’t you stick up for me?
Was it
something I said, was it my not so spectacular venacualared speech?
putting the truth on table for all eyes to see
and literally, he made me feel week, he made my heart fall from faith, with a
refused to sell out on you, but truthfully, it felt like at times you sold out
on me
I got it
you didn’t owe me thing, but it seemed to me, you were only in it for the curren-cy
pushed me to scream, that you and him will see
You and
him will see, yeah you’ll see
You know
that’s when he screamed, lock it up or I will make you scream
I saw
you give a shake of the head, which I thought maybe, meant, come on please, just speak
You know thats when, the fucker came back for me and
said, in his best English accent
In his
best English accent, said, come again
You Knew I was one who stuck to his guns
You Knew I was one who stuck to his guns
So you know, frankly, I just had say it again
One of
you is fucker and the other,
And the
other, an asshole
basically, figuratively, speaking, means
Means, I know one of you for the other,
spreads your cheeks
If I told you please believe, through my eyes,
I tried to apologise, countless times
Tried to
apologise, countless times, for the use of my obscenities
times, for the use of my obscenities, as he
As he,
lined me
As he,
lined me, in reach
Lined me,
in reach, then, again and again, after he turned again and again
turned again and again, if you remember right to you my friend
To you
my friend, then he preceded to slap and kick the shit out of me
He made
me feel week, as I attempted to drift off to sleep,
I felt
I felt
it, I felt his hits, shift, then start to split
His hits,
shift, then start to split, my shit, as they ripped, into my ribs
I felt my ribs, twinge, as I definitely felt the ribs, and my heart split
Well you
and I definitely know all the crowd knows it
Well you
and I definitely know all the crowd definitely saw him throw it
You eyes
told me I can’t help you because your one that’s choosing to hold it
my eyes I tried reply don’t worry about I can hold the hits but vendettas I can’t
hold it
Don’t worry I can actually see the funny side
to it now, but at the time, it was straight monotonous
Dear My Dear Old Friend My Time In The Block Is Coming Shortly And Slowly To And End, Yeah Surprisingly Coming Shortly And Slowly To A Close, But Just Want To Let You Know, I Ain’t Trying To Make Foes, This Letter Is Not Personally
Against You, I'm Just Trying to Tighten A Couple of Screws Which I Thought Were a Bit Loose,
Also Just To Let You Know, When I Get Hit, I Always Catch, But I’m Just Not In
Control, Of When Or What Or Where Back I Will Throw, Just Thought Its
Best Your Kept In The Know, Lastly Let
Me Apologise Again, As You Were There And It Looked To Me Like Through The Use Of Your Eyes That You Cared,
So I Apologise Again My Friend, But I Know If He Reads This He Might,
Might Like Ask For Them To Increase My Sentence Again, So He Can Beat My Black Skin Blue
And Shit Out Of Me Again....
Yours Sincerely, Me….
Inmate Number: 2611107
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