Sunday, 30 October 2011

I Dont Believe In Make Believe...

Why do we struggle this isn’t rhetorical it’s a question, that deserves to be answered. Not everyone in this world is given the privilege to be born into an ascribed affluence. Do we live in a meritocracy or does an invisible line exist. Where we are set apart from one another in groups, categorized by others for our own most minute imperfections. Are we genetically born winners and losers? Not everyone was built to win cruel as it sounds I stand by it. We are given the power to think, given the power to dream, given the power to want and given the power to achieve.

Life is what you make it, so make it happen for you. You can't sit on the fence patiently waiting; some can call it natural luck as success comes to them. As many wish the cruel game of hide and seek was over. Some do anything for the fame; say anything to get ahead, severe friendships in a heartbeat. While others try to imitate and come unstuck wondering why they choose to follow another's game plan. Within this world there are shepherds and there are sheep. The sheep get slain and slaughtered; the shepherds prosper gaining another herd for their endeavours. Why do some wait for guidance, when all they need is self-belief and confidence? Why do some refuse to speak, when the humblest voice can make the loudest impression?

We all possess gifts each to our own, no-one is perfect, and everyone has their faults. Everyone suffers the same but some are just born into a better position in life. Life experiences shape and mould you; we learn from our mistakes and gain new perceptions. We learn to adapt in a world where the slogan survival of the fittest dominates. Can a loser really evolve into a winner overnight? Can a non-believer suddenly believe? The meek get overlooked so when will they have a chance to inherit the earth; I accept this will not happen in my life time. Every day I rise above the oppression as the pain is only temporary, still I smile. I lived to see another day I'm humbly grateful. As there are many sublime wonders of the world I still have not met. In our short existents we should feel there is so much more to come. Every dream starts somewhere, but it only stays a dream if you don’t wake up...

Thursday, 27 October 2011

In Loving Memory...

Were all destined to go at some point of our lifes some before others. Some live to witness change within the world, others die in order for change to occur. Attachment is the route of all sadness, as death separates us from the ones that we have loved. The ones that have been there, the ones that have watched us shape into the individuals that we have become today. The memories invoke pain but why cry when you can smile about the better days. Do we cry that you have died or do we cry that you have lived. Do we really cry about death, millions die everyday but we hardly shed a tear why? Do we understand about others pain, when we can only offer a condolence. If we preoccupy our minds with death we will never live. Born from the dust of the earth and to the dust we shall return, we cannot stop the inevitable. Whilst the inevitable beckons we are given the chance to prolong it with memories and success. Some were never given the chance to live, alive for only a second. Some lives are seen to be impaired by disability, but are minds are crippled to think they are not living too. Some lives born in poverty, the pain of life overshadowed by the comfort of death..

You Only Live Once.....

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

He had dream but has it come to fruition?

She sat down to revolutionise the world as we stand idle.

They had a feud, two died but have we learnt our lesson?

His music acted as a voice to unify mankind but we remain silent.

She was a singing sensation but also a broken woman, 
we focus on the latter why?

He brought colour to a colourless establishment, but some remain blind to his achievements  

We stood up an took notice when he ran, but we forget those before him that ran for their freedom

He was a star walked with the moon, captivated millions but will still questioned his character

Friday, 21 October 2011

The 20th of October 2011 in the eyes of some marked the death of a Tyrant, but do we celebrate the death of a Tyrant or celebrate the life of a Man with a vision. It could be said that justice has not been served, as the inhumane killing only strengthens the stance of western civilization. Still the western world finds it self in power, the west speaks while a African man denied a voice of protest and rebellion. Why is this when I thought this world we live in today strives for equality. Equality can never exist in the world, as slavery will forever act as a constant reminder of the past. The pleas for mercy from a man falling on death ears, as the rebels carried out the West's dirty work. Are we empowered to think we have control, why do we not challenge but easily submit?  There are faults within the notion of justice, Obama has called this day a "Momentous day" for Libya. America one of the countries which advocates the notion of a fair trial, where was his? Will this day unify a Nation or lead it into turmoil?

We will have to wait and see

Just Another Brother  

Wednesday, 19 October 2011


Why change my life around like a puzzle at will trying to force the pieces to fit, trying to make sense of everything that’s in front of me.  Change isn’t always as good as it seems as it only allows one to believe they are bettering themselves from their old lifestyle. Change brings new pleasures as well as adds to the amount of existing problems that already stood strong amongst the crowd of anxiety and fear.
What is change does it alter my perception, do I kid myself that I’m doing better than I was doing a month ago, or was I just better off in the everyday routine, the set ways that I had become accustomed to. How I longed to break the mould in hope of new direction, life’s full of twists and turns I guess I can’t rely on a pre-planned route so I guess that saves money on a sat nav, but I guess I never know if I’m making the next right turn or was I better off left alone with my original thoughts in the slow lane on the motorway.
What’s around the next bend is unpredictable if it’s a uphill I’m willing to climb to become a success, but with the up’s comes a down but I have the believe in myself, that I have the will power to pick myself up if I hit rock bottom, change brings uncertainty but I guess one has to embrace it with a smile and open arms as the life in front of us is short, which be enjoyed and stretched with much longer expectations and aspirations.

Am I My Own God?

Am I my own God or is it blasphemous of me even to ponder such a thought, as a human am I not in my own right to push myself and think outside the box and wonder if there was no higher power, more like a false sense of hope created by the masses to help get through a lifetime of suffering, would I be right in saying I have the ability to shape my own destiny, or is it there is a plan for me already.
 At points of my path has left me to question if I was the son of the father, why has my parent abandoned me and run away from his duties, do I resent the father that was never there to watch my first step or followed me to my first day of school or has he always been there in silence waiting for my call, has he left me to make my own mistakes, to make me hardened as well as strong willed but why has he not intervened, why has he never been there when I most needed him, if he is the father to many why don’t I feel at home amongst my millions of brothers and sisters.
He has left me to make my own way, as I cry for help and ask for direction I am left with my own thoughts, my own thoughts can be lonely sometimes, I am consoled by the thoughts of making my life worthwhile  

Being Black...

Descended from slaves but I still find myself a slave within modern society,
The term working for your wage gets thrown about a lot
But really are there opportunities of change for a black youth from south London,
The media seem to think there’s none, picturing me as a statistic
Not as an individual with grand ideas, goals and morals
Label me as I even begin to speak
Probably have a heart attack if I even tried articulating my ideas

I could never be ashamed of my colour,
I take pride in it my black birthday suit is probably the best item in my wardrobe
Others have altered their design to fit in with the expectations of society
Only God can judge so what’s the chance of me being a critic
But to be honest I wouldn’t change a single thing
From the sole of my feet to the top of my head
I stand proud to say I’m Black and embrace the hardships that entail with it

As a Minority would you say are we not getting heard?
Or are we just afraid to speak?
But as a collective we should never feel to be silenced
I would love to see a Black pm one day maybe
Erm on second thoughts I take it back would he/she have the freedom of expression
Would he/she be self-conscious of his or her actions within an English Britain?
Well good luck barack I guess

The Flight...

Sometimes I wonder the true meaning of life as a twenty year old Londoner, but I feel I’ll never attain it. I sit and wonder how life changes for the better or worse in an instant. How pain changes to joy and how joy changes to pain. It begs the question what do you live for within todays current climate? Is it for love, respect, recognition or even for a sense of self-gratification?
Times have changed so hopefully I have given my own projection and perception of life within the analogy of the flight. To view life as a single airborne flight maybe strange, with the initial take off which is birth, the inevitable landing which is most commonly known as death. To choose whoever’s guiding your flight as a metaphorical captain is your choice. To some up today’s modern generation, within the confines of the plane, there’s a separation with two very different sets of people and very different values.
 They are values somewhat projected by the culture we as people live in today, do you view yourself as a first class citizen? If so do you feel you can sustain a life style that entails with it? Within todays culture individualistic values knock, everyone seems to be influenced, chasing the same dream and hoping to follow the same path.  Is this for your own self-gratification, or is it to build a somewhat persona?  What makes a person different if their sitting in first class or economy. Well economy on paper looks like a struggle, but maybe in a way it allows you to appreciate more around you.
 If somehow confusion has struck let me ask you something would you rather be sitting in economy knowing that you’re rich with a smile on your face, or sitting in first class forever trying to keep up an appearance. The journey of the flight is packed with turbulence. So there’s always a chance of trial and error and self-discovery, but it’s for you to ask yourself have you been asleep so far and missed the inflight movie.  Have you been unaware as life has passed you by… the journey of life is considered a short one but I hope to see you at the final destination and hope you make it to the otherside.

There's Always A Beginning...

So where do I begin... well this is just an insight into my thoughts nothing more nothing less,the main purpose not to change your perception of anything, but to introduce you to new concepts and new ways of thinking, we all have a voice we just need to speak more.....

Just Another Brother