Thursday, 27 October 2011

In Loving Memory...

Were all destined to go at some point of our lifes some before others. Some live to witness change within the world, others die in order for change to occur. Attachment is the route of all sadness, as death separates us from the ones that we have loved. The ones that have been there, the ones that have watched us shape into the individuals that we have become today. The memories invoke pain but why cry when you can smile about the better days. Do we cry that you have died or do we cry that you have lived. Do we really cry about death, millions die everyday but we hardly shed a tear why? Do we understand about others pain, when we can only offer a condolence. If we preoccupy our minds with death we will never live. Born from the dust of the earth and to the dust we shall return, we cannot stop the inevitable. Whilst the inevitable beckons we are given the chance to prolong it with memories and success. Some were never given the chance to live, alive for only a second. Some lives are seen to be impaired by disability, but are minds are crippled to think they are not living too. Some lives born in poverty, the pain of life overshadowed by the comfort of death..

You Only Live Once.....

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