Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Lost Freestyles: Showtime

Premable: I attempted to start writing freestyles again, with a time limit of 30 mins without the use of Wikipedia. Today's theme was centred on cartoons. I goggled only two words Eclectic and Totodile. I promise. Unfortunately, I went over the time limit due an important phone conversation, my apologies,  but thanks to everyone that was involved.

I Picked up the pen and the pad
Started cooking, like I was cooking crabby patties,
In the crusty crab, I be cooking these lines,
Like I was Dexter, the boy genius in the lab,
I be mixing, my similes and metaphors, like chemicals,
Just trying to make my point, like decimals,
Everybody try copy my flow, but this my show,
They be itching, twitching, looking so cowardly,
I be like, dawg, where's your courage?
Dawg you be powdering up?looking like a Powerpuff!
Let me level up, and power up,
Bring you the power, like I had the combine strength,
The combine strength of Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup,
Talking about, power ups, its morphing time,
Masterdon, Terradactyl, Tryceratops, Sabertooth Tiger, Tyransauras rex,
My freestyle ability, yeah I'm morphing mine,
That bar just went over your Ed,
But it went over his Eddy, his Eddie, and his Ed,
When I write, its mine, its my, its my adventure time,
Freestyle abilty, so cold, they call me the Ice King, like how exciting?
Bring that thunder, they call me that Thundercat, because I'm striking like lighting,
Frightening, futuristic flow, moving something like the Jetsons,
After i'm finish spitting, you turn to your man,
And say lets move, and say his ill, so lets jet son,
You speed out here, like it like it was a race,
But I got the crowd cheering, as I switch lanes, and, change my pace,
Just call me that Wackey Racer,
I pull up alongside you, give you that Mutley laugh, and say 
and say adios, I will see you later
I'm hair, and stand tall, like the afro and Gerald's head,
Everyone saying hey, who you?
You that cool kid, with the funny shape head,
That's into poetry and bongos?, I say no i'm not Arnold!
And they shrug their shoulders like who knew!
That's when the bells, wells, well start ringing, like its time for recess
This my playground now, I am not the king so far,
But one day ill be chilling, god willing, like King Bob on the sofa,
Like you be thinking, so rah Dan, you now want to king now?
I be like that's the dream, that's why see me now and again, but I be
be hustling with my team, bunch of hustlers kids, hustler friends,
Out in the jungle gyms, with the kindergarten kids,
Turn my cap back, like say I was say was TJ, peddling my bike
Bike on hype on the freeway, have you be saying like holy Cow?
ain't that boy Chicken? with your face Droopy, with your nose turned up,
like saying I smell, well, grab your poopy scoopy,
I meant to say pooper scooper, if you want to snoop me, well,
well, you will have straight up scoop me,
Hate me now, cool, but god willing, ill be chilling in the pool,
Living that life with Louie with my guy Louie,
If you don't catch my bars, don't worry you wont catch them all,
I choose the lines that I throw, I nickname my lines, my poke balls,
You know the feeling when a hater, takes a peek at chu,
Shocking right, but that the bars here are light, shocking right
They are light, they will electrify, any electric type,
Because i'm that eclectic type, i'm on this electric hype,
When a hater peek at chu, all you do have to do, is evolve,
And say with a smile, its been a while, but smile right at chu,
These bars got me like, all excited like, on a dancing hype, totodile,
I got pokemon bars for days, but let me not waste my time away,
The crowd already saying Dan your late, thats great, hey, the last plugs ill make,
We can do that is all day, play cat and mouse, all over the house,
Run around the house, chase you all over the couch,
But theres only one outcome, you in the trash, man down,
Leave you to be roomates with oscar the grouch,
Like im so full of myself, I just pinched myself, because that bar was so ouch,
Listen I dont play with kids, sit down on the mat with the Rugrats
Put your finger on your lips, be quiet, before I start a riot,
You just a bunch of baby's, you know bunch of Tommys, Phils, Lils,
I just chuckied to myself, because my bars so real, and they are the real deal,
I meant to say chuckled to myself, I was just getting the feel, you feel?
I am straight brainiac, that freestyle maniac, come with freestyles,
About anime and cartoons, mate, wait call me that animainiac
Everyone else are just are bunch of cartoons, that kids watch on YouTube
Bunch of looney tones, singing looney tunes
Call me the Batman, everyone else sideman, sidekicks,
The way I grab my grappling hook, they look at my line, try climb
that's when I give a quick, fly kick, these sidekicks cant be robin my lines,
The Batman symbol is shining, the moment in defining, and i'm defying,
I am defying because i'm one of kind, if you don't get the above line,
If you don't get the above line, ill explain to you,
Ill explain to you, but I got a city to save, so never mind,
They ask me everyday what is it? I tell them the same thing,
Like it got me thinking scratching my brain, like has what I said sinked in,
The last time, like the last time, Pinky its time to save the world,
A hater might puff out his chest, make grunts, like a,
I cant say that word, flex his muscle, use his bravado,
 but, put your trust in me, when I say your just not me,
your just not me, you ain't Johnny Bravo,
You just be cramping my style, something like Wayne and Lucian, Lucian and Wayne,
There twins, I repeated there names, because their basically the same,
They be looking like the want to scrap me, saying put em up, put em up
put em up, but they cant scrap me dog, I be chilling in the mystery van,
Yeah they call me the mystery man, because they don't know where Dan hang,
I have eaten my morning Scooby snack, my beards is looking Shaggy,
They don't know what I do, they don't know what I Scooby Scooby doo,
That bar does not make any sense but I was just being god damn rude,
Please excuse, like i'm just not the dude, and I just not that rude,
Its time for me to go, but before I go, shoutouts to my Bro,
He said bro since your putting on a show Bro,
He said put in Mighty Max, I was like sure, but I cant even lie,
I didn't even watch this, but I had to add it in somehow, to show that I got this

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