Thursday 9 February 2012

The Howl Of A Father...

You have grown so much young wolf
Grown so much since your first howl in the winds
I'm so proud of you I don't know where to begin
I sincerely apologize for not responding to your last howl a little sooner
I know if I responded earlier our relationship would run a little smoother
I gave you the power of expression and you’re using it
But you once named yourself a damned soul
I gave you the name Alpha young wolf
So the other name I previously mentioned I want you to lose it
Who do you think instructed the White Rabbit to talk to you?
To talk to you, influence your mind so you think fuck the free world
I've made a lot of sacrifices for you in the past
So the animosity I want you to just lose it
It’s a new dawn
As the ice breaks and the flowers arrive
I've seen you in the wild young wolf you know how to survive
The flowers arrive in time so you can start cleaning out your closet
You’re not the only one that needs to explain himself
Explain himself and clean out his closet
No one thinks like you don't follow Yeats
Young wolf don't give up your fur coat just yet
Remember one thing you can think successful
but to achieve success is different
Achieving success can happen all in a single moment
Ask Beta why do think shes always howling about moments
Listen to my voice, Listen to my message
Don't give up all hope just yet
Make hope your home even when you’re surrounded by the homeless
You need to feed the homeless
You need to feed them look at an active mind as a cooking pot
My advice to you don't let your food of thought burn out
Even when you think everything is taking its time slowly cooking
Keep stirring put your back into it
Put your back into it give it everything you got
The arctic is a cold place snarl within it young wolf
Snarl until the ices breaks
I know haven't been there
I have been a bad boy but I'm making a comeback
Welcome me back I'm willing to fight for you
That's why I've come back strapped with a Mase
The world filled with preachers
If you try hard enough you can be one of the best revolutionary leaders
What’s a world of followers to a world of leaders
I'm not making an attack on twitter
But how do I know someone’s gonna tweet this
They are the same people that have rejected my call in the past
Then cry, flutter their eyes, act like they want a piece of this
Their a carnivorous bunch when they try to meet this
My young wolf you haven't done nothing wrong
I was with you when you walked with your head down
I noticed your head down and your chin hung
Recently you have looked yourself in the mirror
Looked at yourself in the mirror and embraced
Your journeys has just begun
I'm so proud of you again you’re not like the others that talk about guns
Let me tell you a secret most of them don't have none
Show your fangs young wolf
I've removed the teeth of many
That's why most of my other sons
Most of my other son’s just waste time running up their gums
I know you didn't make that call that night I'm not dumb
How you gonna make a call with no opposable thumbs
Please don't play dumb you know with you I'm not done
I breathed life into you, gave you winds
Gave you winds
I'm the one that literally gave you lungs
I’ll be there when your breathless young wolf
 because you can’t live life on the run