Sunday, 29 January 2012

Call For Arm's...

  Where am I?
I'm Greeted and disorientated by Buzzing
Suffering with the thoughts that I'm experiencing Amnesia
I can’t remember the thoughts of yesterday
I think my minds gone clubbing
My hairs falling out again the stress has set in
I'm sat with A hardened face
I'm Drunk, I'm slurring
You’re probably thinking that's reasons why I can’t get a decent word in
Alcohol isn't the message that I'm promoting so keep on reading
The child that watched helplessly his father raise a fist to his mother
In the name of Black Power
The child knows and grows like the animosity surrounding his people
So he wishes he can return the favour
In the name of Black Power
Raise one hand in victory and stand not alone on the podium
He hopes he’s joined by the unafraid others
In the name of Black Power
The buzzing's back I've taken a turn for the worst
I look in horror to see why as a community were cursed
Look upon two of my brothers fighting, intertwining in senseless violence
After all said and done another two locked up and the animosity heightened
What was a hook to first brother’s face
When the other brother’s upper lip got cut
Another two in a cage as family's in communities still crying freedoms a must
But for the two it’s not too late to stand together with a raised fist
In the name of Black Power
As a community we should stand to promote Black Power
But some of our own hide away behind their skin afraid
Who fathered these cowards?
Who am I to preach?
What I've said doesn't differ to anything that's been said before
Things get overlooked
That's why there's a long line at heaven’s door
All I'm offering is a view to the sick
My limitations suggest I can’t provide a cure
One brother can’t change the world’s ways
All he can do is sit and watch and embrace
Embrace everything and add it to his mind state
If he can’t change nothing
He might as well put on his own one man production
and stand on life's stage
Turn the lights down low
Stand on life's stage alone in darkness
With a fist raised in the name of Black Power
Finally silence the buzzing stopped
I feel like a downbeat slave with brand new independence
That's just stepped on into the mirror to embrace new opportunity
The reflection showing the fresh fade and an appearance that's new to me
As I stand to witness the last piece of hair fall to the ground
I have to add the story of Samson was a myth
I apologize for my lunacy
Power lies within
So I rise in the name of Black Power
It don't matter about ethic race
Because most of us bare the same face
The oppressed face that shows were a minority
The oppressed face that shows we struggle against the self-empowered majority
Most of us are smarter than them
Were an intellectual undervalued majority
We can stand together and raise a fist in the name of Black Power
I'm not writing to ignite my brothers and sisters into war
All I'm making is a call for arms...

Just Another Brother

Friday, 27 January 2012

It's Just Business...

I see my life as a business plan, Years’ worth of investments, Years of me loaning my affections, but I can never lose interest in the idea of success some decisions I make can be regarded as just plain an simply bad business, others add profit to my already existing mental an spiritual wealth, but I could never regard myself as a rich man as there is yet more to learn, so much to be gained and lost. some decisions are made in an instant others scrutinised to every little detail, some things appear to be a sound investment the sales pitch was perfect until it later unravels and I'm left with nothing guess I didn't check the fine print typical, why dwell on it, it’s just business, every man for himself, everyman trying to achieve superiority over the man before

Monday, 23 January 2012

Bird Cage...

My young female character is only six years of age
She was unable to express herself I gave her a voice
Her mind represented as bird trapped in a cage
A girl without a voice is like a bird without a chirp
Today's world is filled with the regret of all the sinners of yesterday
Which nowadays they can all be found in today's modern day church
In the morning the beautiful thing is when a bird sings
The bird that lets out all its feelings
Who am I within this call me the bird whisperer
But I won’t talk too much within
I’ll let her speak let me adopt the role of a bird listener
Interference with premature broads interferes with Niggers
Makes them take longer to say I want a kid with ya
Once said the happiness that comes to the broads face
But they wait for the line I was only kidding ya
She was haunted by the past, too afraid to step into the future
Unwillingly to step ahead and learn life's lessons within
and ask for life's guidance as a tutor
Big Niggers that touch kids are demons
Ill load up a big clip and literally rebuke ya
Ill load up a big clip and literally shoot ya
Life's a big wildlife reserve some of these bitches need saving
But most of these bad bitches got a hold of my gun
and shot themselves in the foot
Caught on camera giving brain whilst raving
Let’s separate a bad bitch from a good girl
Compare a bitch that's fucked 2-3 man
To a bitch that's fucked the whole world
Obviously there's a problem if you drop your draws to floor to quick
But lads honestly let’s not make an issue if a girls a little stubborn with it
She’s just protecting what’s hers
But literally when the boy get in he knows what’s hers is mine
 He knows with a smile
That I'm the guy that's running through her mind
All the god damn time
To all you cradle snatching Niggers
Let me and you one day have a chat
Lock me in a cell with you
So you finally feel like the bird in the cage
Homie hopefully me and a couple homies
Can show you where it’s at
We will teach you the real meaning of the name princess,
Make whoever's watching hair stand on end and make their toes curl
Listen because it’s a cold world
What I've wrote draws inspiration from my man Jermaine's tune daddy's little girl
The moral of my story is cradle snatching Niggers think different then I
So that means they think way different to the average guy
If I get sight of one I'm ripping out his eyes
So he can remember a day he played a game with a girl
and told her shut eyes and sshhhh girl
 to play with a stick
and to pretend that your blind

Thank you...

I want to give a big thank to all those that have taken time out to read all the things that I've written over the past months. January I have a hit milestone with 1000 views, I thank you again for showing an interest. There are big things in the pipeline; I have more to share in time. It’s only up from here. :)

Just Another Brother

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Loves Alchemy...

Dedicated and Inspired by Sandra and David

My young unconventional female protagonist had a vision of the unwritten 
The unwritten verses of her story 
Which led her on a path which started in a house dedicated to the glories 
She traveled to find me 
Not to see lead turned into gold my most renowned party trick
I was stunned to believe
She traveled  across acres of land to ask me what real love is 
When she was gone he asked himself 
In a world full of Simba's surrounded by Scar's 
He asked himself how does he keep the pride of a lion 
He remembered what he told her 
He told her don't worry about the birds
All the Zazu's are just messengers 
Like a lions claw they can rip apart a herd 
Like the meat in front you and I can't question a love so raw 
She fort highly of him 
When everyone premeditated he was so floor 
She loved the fact he was a guy she couldn't walk all over though 
For him she shunned all the guys with the beamer's and rover's bro 
For a big guy that received a lot of stick 
You could never could question his drive 
A real modern day Simba instilled with a lions pride 
With this recount you can say the story teller is a clever fellow 
I like his allusion to Disney 
But the truth is love is no tale of fairies 
Literally its no make believe 
This shits real which I hope my young female protagonist can believe 
Sometimes the journey leads you through a desert of adversity 
Everyone points the finger to try push you down into the ground 
So draw a circle around your circle of friends,
and the snakes will stand out of the crowd 
She was infatuated with him because he was humble 
He sang the words of love to a singers heart with just a little mumble 
She told me all this with the heavy burden 
and released it off her chest 
Then she resumed to find the reward of her story 
The answers that lied within the very little treasure chest 
I answered  her question regrettably and said "your answer you always knew"
At home with a guy named Santiago that's where your treasure lied      
I smiled because she had learned well on her journey 
Her face didn't bare any signs of surprise 
Obviously dark clouds appeared after the once upon a times 
Even I couldn't see there was going to be trouble within a paradise
A confrontation began and aggression flared
But it ended with young Santiago saying 
He wants to be the wind she breath's in 
To go everywhere she goes
The power of love was evident on her face 
She was left stunned but the room went so cold 
Your probably asking how I know the ending so well 
Did I see it with my own very eyes 
In Coelho's tale the king was all knowing 
So even I was the eagle in the sky

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

You Are What You Wear...

First there was Lauren the logo on her chest matched her horse hair.
The thing only lasted a week because she wanted to go shopping
I locked off the phone
I didn't even have time to reply with sarcasm and say follow you where?
She was the wrong kind of B
Ironically the first day I checked her she held a Louis bag
Can you believe the bitch had the audacity to ask me about my bank square?
The next in line I nicknamed her JD
When we met the first time I dropped the line
I got so many kicks, for a month I can run through your mind
Summer 11 I saw video evidence of niggers running through her
This made me sick to my stomach
Thought to myself isn't this a bitch, did it happen all the time
Then there was Saint,
 All the lads told me she was a sophisticated and a expensive lady 
I sniggered looked at my watch and said don't watch me watch T.V
Fella's have you seen my bank account lately
You can’t knock me for my efforts
I was trying to think out of the box and be different bro
But why the hell did I ignore
The advice that my mama gave me and try splash money on a hoe
Joke thing is she left me broke
But I was proud carried on stunting at least I had my clothes
In the winter I hooked up a with a petite kinda lady
The age gap wasn't too bad
I didn't think twice when calling her baby
She had a slight temper on her I said "act your age!"
Why didn't I see it coming when she replied "act your wage!"
Where was I guys how can I forget Armani
She had many names on the streets of south London
But the name I met her with was Primani
Her ex left his mark on her
At first she told me I have to wait in line for the pussy
 When I finally got to the checkout I felt cheap,
But our sexual liaisons lasted a long time
She was quite reliable like the socks on my feet
I met the next girl in Oxford
Checked my breath as I walked up to her in the street
By the way guys I work in John Lewis in the linens department
So the discount came in handy when I needed new sheets
One day I woke up and said the sex was getting boring
Headed for Miss Dixon looking for new beats
The love music played in my ears but I couldn't fall in love
So the next bitch I phoned was an untypically named lady
Her parents named her Apple
But after time I noticed she was rotten so after I macked
my hard facade crashed
But my drive remained
So I left just in time to protect my stack
Louboutin with the red bottoms was too tall for me
I huffed but I still travelled in search of satisfaction which led me to her flat
But I still remained level headed
Thought this could be a new era
I tried to beat this one new thing but the condom wouldn't fit
She struggled to put it on shouted "whys your head so big?"
Obviously she lying,
I'm average height so my penis matches my size
I wouldn't lie about the size of my manhood
I'm just a couple inches past average sort of guy
Time to sit and reflect and think about the list of X's
But after my shopping trip on the receipt I was surprised by the numbers
I'm now in the red so the bank froze my account
I learned the hard way sometimes it ain't about the numbers
 The moral of my trip is the prettiest bitches do the ugliest things
 But if you cry about it
You pretty much a bitch

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

I'm More Than Just Another Brother...

The day Mama said you said you want to be just like me
I had pain in my heart
Whys that so hard to believe
I chuckled doe, told her to tell you I just want to be just like you
As the mistakes I have made in life,
Are so big it gets boring to look through
My dream for you, is for you to become a much better man than me
I can only advise
I won’t live your life for you
Little man you just got to want to achieve
Within the world that's filled with hate for a Nigga
The world that looks down on a Nigga
Little man you have a chance to prove wrong all them looks
But hey little man in the meantime I want you to enjoy your childhood
One of my biggest regrets is that I wasn't there the majority of the time
To see you grow to become the boy that stands in front of me
One thing ill forever ask is for you to never question my love for you
I would cut my legs off for you
Get up and walk to you
Just to tell you I love you g
You probably won’t understand what I'm trying to say to you at the moment
Your only six but in time
You’ll recognize what I've tried to say at this very moment
I deeply regret not being there for you
It got a bit hot for me in the family house
So I took some years out to get some ventilation
But I'm warning you bro don't follow me
The worlds got enough clones it needs no more imitations
Time to admit all the time's we play fight, I let you win
So if you’re reading this with a bit more age
Dial me b we can have a rematch
I’ll still tuck you in
Punch u up, den we can watch a movie together
That's what real bro love is
I got some things to teach you
But bro I’ll never preach to you
I’ll let you know, any problems with anyone an I'm not there
I got brothers from other mothers that would happily back the beef for you
These bros ain't bloodline like you and I
Me and you are just two of a kind
But these Nigga's have love for me
So that means they got love for you
Like Rome, these friendships weren't built in a day
So bro lesson number one
Learn to differentiate, brothers and associates early
Do I make myself clear is everything okay
Even little man watch out for family
Certain family would rather see a random person succeed
Then watch their own bloodline achieve
Right now my minds preoccupied by figures
I need to learn to make more time for you as life's more than just a business
Sometimes it is doe bro
I leave you with a question for your future self, as it pays to be different
If you went to the same job interview as others
And said the same shit
How you going to get a job?
Again sometimes it pays to be original.
But bro I got to go
I need to hold my tongue, I've said way too much as I'm no anarchist

Giving Hands...

Not everyone writes the same nowadays 
That being an easy thing to see
But we darken our minds, to blind us from the light on offer
Blind to the wonder of the word as it lays down on the page 
Roses are red, Violets are blue
Simple yet o so sweet 
The worlds against me yet still I rise 
The boy hoping to appear to stand up to the might of the world 
Kill, Stab, Bleed, Punch 
graphic but the inner pain on show
I traveled across the vast chasms of my mind 
Climbed the cliffs for answers
But stood in horror as I found emptiness
My mind literally a grand canyon of thought 
The girl able to articulate her thoughts the best way she can 
It maybe longer than others 
But her intentions still remain the same as the many others around 
The girl stigmatized doe
Claims are made shes tryna make a mockery of the not so literate other
We write together as a community to express ourselves, 
The best way we can so let your gifts be appreciated 
Treat everyday as Christmas 
In hope that we can pass on the writing spirit to our young...

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Slave Child...

The journey began for the boy in the wide ocean
How small he was, he didn't know what awaited him
Unaware of his surroundings he didn't know if fate was playing with him
His mama has a nickname for him Bubaloo but how that's changed
Conformed to society he’s now addressed as mister
Given an English name so he’s seen in the game
His mother is his literal everything
He realized it long after he’s days on the shore
He wanted to tell her he loved her
With each day apart his love grew ever more
To him his mother is a queen
Even when he don’t show it
He quietly knows he’s done wrong in the past
But the love for he think she knows it
Within his relationship of course there's a third party
Call it a triangle forever jostling for love
But the third set of eyes needs to realize
The boy’s heart bears the name of his mama cus
Little Bubaloo just a mama's boy
He wishes never to be seen as a replica to his father figure
His feeling for his mother called it uzied feeling
Because forever it will be automatic
You can’t get in between a boy and his mama
The boy who strives to do his mama justice
But he knows he'll never be an Obama
When the boy was growing she suggested he change his last name
How he contested it
Now he realizes he wants to be nothing like his predecessor
Looks at his last name,
Thinks to himself how he’s gonna redefine it
His mother grew him up to be a strong black man
Told him to embody the real spirit of a black panther 
Who raised the kid?
His grandfather and his mother that's your answer
He had a dream one day that his mama died
He’s not ashamed to say he texted her to tell her he loved her
and shed a tear, so what if he cried
Who am I really proving myself to?
In the end of the world, all I have is my word and the thoughts of you
The reasons I write is to show if I died today
I’ll leave a legacy
To show how all of y'all how I felt
Normally you will see me
My mama knows I'm a quiet sorta Nigga
Too proud to articulate feeling and ask for help
It bothers me when the typical broads act like their gods
To me my mama will forever be my god
She is the one who sacrificed everything
So she’s the one who whom I stand to applaud
She deserves the recognition she never got
She sacrificed her birthday to give birth to me
Now let’s get back to my intentions of my story
The boy intertwined by the chain
Bubaloo just another slave
His mama felt his pain and wanted to give him freedom
Five month premature birth scare
Young Bubaloo nearly entered his grave
She shed the blood of a black woman
Mama the full 8 months you carried me
I thank you because you’re a strong black woman

Monday, 9 January 2012

War Of Words...

My name is Nathan Richard's let me introduce myself at the start of the story
Since I got back from the war all the doctors tried to cure me
The day I got branded with my condition
I told myself I have to prove them wrong about the limitations of my condition
I can’t take nothing funny from the situation that faces me
The voice above isn't there so let’s just say I pray to me
Dear Nathan Richards please give me the strength to go on and stay motivated
I recognize my mistakes now Nathan Richard's I sincerely apologize for my lateness
Playing Truant in my mind,
Running away to bunk the problems until the pain died
When I was away we struggled together,
We were in the sun away from the gloomy American may weather
I cried to the sun make me a contender
As there is a big difference from just being another pretender
I'm in an African house my comrade interrupted; I said hold up, no need to show racism
He replied he’s not, war of the words started you can’t make a joke to cover up your hate for them
The Stephen Lawrence case, Racism
The Mark Duggan case, Racism
He said he’s only making banter
I couldn't even manage a smile in the sea of life, my soul started to drop like an anchor
My soul attempted to find light in a darkened place, but how optimistic
It prayed for help, but it’s going to have wait another 358 days an add it to his Christmas wish list

I’d rather be a stick then a tree trunk to show I'm not thick
Imagine that the above all went through my head, the day I found out I was dyslexic

Thursday, 5 January 2012

A Bet with Alpha...

Family, Fondly Facilitate Feeling, Amongst Anxiety, Amorousness Matters, Mediate Mostly, Individually In Insolence, Light Lingers Loosely, 'Within' Yourselves Yearning Yearly 'in hope to' Subvert, Survive, Sustain during the test of time, but some of the ones we call family will try to put you down, break down your name literally alphabetically, question your Dreams, belittle your Gains and ship you to the Slaughter House...

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Clash Of The Titans...

Boy: O that's my Dad

Dad: I wanted him to look at me and say wow that’s my Dad

Boy: What does my Dad ever do

Dad: The boy's starting again, like the weather he’s putting me in a mood

Boy: I’m my own man now papa I don't need you

Dad: I brought you into this world, without me you don’t have a clue

Boy: -___- I don’t mean to be rude

Dad: son what have I done, why do you feel you got something to prove

Boy: Let me tell you something dad, it’s because you don’t know what’s going on really in my head, you don’t have a clue!

Boy: You know what I'm not done yet, I want to be nothing like you, and I don’t want to be in debt with society because the normal man gets overlooked and gets no credit. I don’t think you really understand dad, I don’t think you get it. You worked like a slave, where’s the benefits papa because I recognise you’re not eating like a king. If you think like a slave forever a slave you shall remain. Listen papa I'm going to do everything in my power to never experience your pain. The bond we once had can compare to a Greek myth. Do you finally have a clue?

Dad: I didn’t know this was how you felt, son I never knew

Im Just A Rubbish Man...

This is my story how I’m up early in the morning to survive within society. I’m just like everyone else within society but with me, you gain a long lasting first impression. You look at my job role and premeditate that I’m literally a piece of rubbish. You think before I speak that what I have to say is complete garbage. Whys this? It saddens me that you can knock my only way I have a chance to live and provide for my family, if I had my choice of course this wouldn’t be my desired career path, but I guess this is how everything has unfortunately turned out .
 I had dreams as a boy we all did but I cannot dwell on the what could have beens.  My invitation to parent’s day comes around every year, how you think that makes me feel? It pains my soul that my son recognises his old man is just a sanitary waste officer. You know what listen, I’m just a garbage man, sorry I got carried away, and I just have to get my kicks too. Why turn your nose up at me, I know I most likely smell, tell me something I don’t know , the smell potent but to me that’s the smell of hard work that brings food on my table, in anticipation for a new day.
My boyhood dream was to go traveling and explore the world, the farthest I get to explore nowadays is the borough of Brent. Yeah what a holiday, the cold English breeze, the sound of choice FM and maybe a coke if I’m feeling adventurous. Cus now my adventures are o so limited. My wife been begging me, to enrol on an evening college course but when will I have time when I have London streets to clean, I know I’m being a bit anal retentive but if I could ask one favour from you please put everything in the bag. Let’s start this New Year on a good note, cheers.
My parting advice to you, is don’t do a job, you don’t want to do, I’m only doing this to get my family through. Snap please it wasn’t in my sincere intentions to rhyme because you think I’m not that I’m not that smart you, sometimes you make me even question am I? You make me question my intelligence. I’m just another brother, manual hand that strengthens an emphasizes the position of Marxism, where the hell is meritocracy? But you know what I need to get back to work and fulfil my self-fulfilling prophecy and clean theses streets.

Uncle A...

Dear Uncle A
Let the ink of tears write this God, as the tears flow, let it loosen me up, to finally let the pain go. You took comfort within a needle, why didn’t you use me as your drug to take comfort in life. I remember mums face when we found out you were positive. I was still at a young age, I didn’t understand. She ran out the house crying, I hardly mustered a tear. I cried when you died, the pain inside when you died was unbearable. I can’t believe I’m writing this as I cry outwardly and inwardly, but I can find beauty as I’m starting to accept and come to terms with your death. I still live with the memory, something I can never forget. The basketball you got me, maybe we can play one day. Ill show you what a dunk is as God decides on a winner. I don’t judge you, I understand that everyone has their problems. I can positives out of your life, but how I wished you were negative, aid me in my life to build my everlasting awareness

From Dan...


if youtooktimetodeciphermymindIthankyou,becauseyourtakinggradualstepsoftryingtounderstandme...

The Nostalgic Walk Of Habesh...

His background made him, he dreamt higher, he entitled his mind Dubai meets Rio.  He was a product of an urban slum with a dream of producing the goods for his people. To be quite frank he weren’t scared to admit he shed four tears the size of an ocean. He just wanted to sit back, stroke his head, let the thoughts flow and swim good. Unfortunately his negative thoughts appeared with a black suit on, roaming around his mind like they were ready for a funeral.
He tried to block it out, wished they were driven away, so that only 5 more miles remained until the road ran out. The government named him an under achiever, he didn’t believe in himself sometimes. He thought he wasn’t able to test fate, he just dreamt that he lived long enough to see the next weekend. His distance grew from God, he told himself he was living for the present , as to him the future didn’t exist. Where was the voice of reason amongst the painful cries of the world, children going to bed hungry, children of the slums fending for themselves not getting tucked in by mummy.
The cries fell on deaf ears, the baron world filled with the echoes of silence. Thursday was his birthday, but he didn’t care, he just looked at it as another day.  He looked at it as just another day in the life to survive. The cameras were on, he was the main character of his story that viewed life as a movie, he felt independent, it was him against the city. He was strong willed with a tough upper lip, he wanted no pity. He needed to recognise he wasn’t alone on the streets of Addis Ababa, so he headed for church in the hope to repent .He was in search of forgiveness for his wrong doings, secretly wishing for a sign that was heaven sent.
Typical fall from grace was his story, quite similar to another well-known figure. His desperation grew, his hope of knowing God grew a little bigger. The same night he came in, is the same night he left , he knew deep down it wasn’t for him . So he whispered his view, scared to talk with an inner voice saying “are you a man son say it from your chest.” The inner confliction present, to recognise sometimes there’s no church in the wild. Everyone heard in the room what the preacher said, but he felt that wasn’t the whole narrative. He told himself the words coming from the front were lies on the lips of a priest.
His mind elsewhere he zoned out, when he woke up he found himself at the bar 8 shots deep in. You only live once he slurred out, Getting X’d for the night was the motto that he promoted. So drunk he got up on stage with the karaoke and began to sing. He was just another singing black man within the promise land, but this time he was singing to further drown his sorrows. He had enough of everything the breakdown compounded, he headed for the boot. Drunkenly shouted to the heavens call me Moses from now on, grabbed a big stick held to his head. It too one shot to part it, as he lie on the floor he was surrounded by the remains of a red sea. A single murmur was heard, a laugh maybe within the world of knowledge. The knowledge which knew his fate, look at life like a library if you will, as the pages turn to dust so will we, but for his death I even said there will be tears of doubt, as a troubled heart was he.